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發(fā)布者:admin  發(fā)布時間:2012-8-14 16:11:27  點擊:3309

起火的是瀝青加工廠的一個瀝青罐,在高溫的烘烤下,旁邊一個瀝青罐還發(fā)生了爆炸,一位市民被濺起的瀝青燙傷。趕到現(xiàn)場后,消防官兵立即對正在燃燒的瀝青罐展開撲救,由于瀝青燃燒產生高溫令人難以靠近,消防官兵只能是從遠處用水槍和泡沫進行撲救。 更可怕的是,瀝青廠旁邊就是加油站,如果加油站溫度太高由于路途較遠消防官兵在15時15分到達火災現(xiàn)場后,只見整個工隊被濃濃的黑煙籠罩,火勢正處于猛烈燃燒階段,瀝青罐內發(fā)出“噼里啪啦”的燃燒聲,并且距離燃燒的瀝青罐10余米處還有一個5噸的瀝青池,院內還有居住的簡易房屋和施工的設備,如果不及時阻止火勢蔓延撲滅火災,勢必會造成人員傷亡。(圖/文
The fire is the asphalt plant a asphalt tank, in the high temperature baking, alongside a asphalt tank exploded, a member of the public is splashed asphalt burn. Rushed to the scene, fire officers and soldiers immediately on the burning asphalt tank started fighting, because the asphalt combustion temperature is difficult to close, fire officers and soldiers are only from a distance with water and foam extinguishing. More terrible is, asphalt plant is beside the gas station gas station, if the temperature is too high because of the long distance fire officers and soldiers arrive at fifteen fifteen the scene of the fire, but the whole team by the thick black smoke, the fire is burning stage, asphalt tank issued " peep splashed " combustion noise, and distance the burning of asphalt tank of more than 10 meters and 5 tons of a asphalt tank, hospital and residential housing and simple construction equipment, if not in time to stop the spread of fire, it is bound to cause casualties.

